Блог Йошики и частично VioletUK
Thursday, April 20, 2006Thursday, April 20, 2006
Current mood: grateful
I can't believe how many letters I have been getting from so many different countries! As I said on my own Myspace page, I wish I could respond to all of your messages. I am working day and night to finish this album. Maybe after a few shows in the US, I may want to do a world tour.
Thank you so much for supporting me and being who you are!!!
Thursday, April 20, 2006Thursday, April 20, 2006
Current mood: grateful
I can't believe how many letters I have been getting from so many different countries! As I said on my own Myspace page, I wish I could respond to all of your messages. I am working day and night to finish this album. Maybe after a few shows in the US, I may want to do a world tour.
Thank you so much for supporting me and being who you are!!!
Tuesday, May 02, 2006Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Hide will be loved forever
Current mood: touched
What did I do to deserve so many beautiful comments from all of you?
I wish I could share this with Hide. He will be loved forever.
7:20 AM
Sunday, May 14, 2006Sunday, May 14, 2006
Current mood: creative
Yesterday, after the long hours of VUK recording, I went home and tried to sleep, but I could't. So I started playing the piano......Bach, Chopin, X Japan, VUK or whatever came to my fingers. I ended up playing more than 8 fucking hours. Now I'm back in the studio recording again. I'm not tired, but my wrists hurt. Not from the piano, but more from computer programming of the songs.
It even pains me to type this blog, but I just wanted to say thank you for supporting Violet UK!!!
The doctors have told me to take it easy, but I don't care anymore, I'm gonna keep on rockin 'till I finish the album. Then I can perform in concert....... in front of you, instead of alone in my living room.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Current mood: loved
I feel like I've got a million moms....that's cool !!!
I'm gonna have a day off tomorrow...the first one this year!!!
Tuesday, May 16, 2006Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Current mood: anxious
We haven't released the CD, we haven't held a concert for VUK, or even finished the recording.........yet.
Because of you spreading the word all over........I am getting a lot of offers; such as magazine interviews, TV appearances, concert performances... from all over the world.
I'm a little overwhelmed...... I mean, I'm a fuckin lucky person to have fans like you.... You Rock!!!!
I'm gonna be in Tokyo for the next week. I'll be doing interviews with Y-mobile, Y-net, etc..... and I'm gonna eat Japanese pudding...... yummy yummy!!!
Sunday, June 18, 2006Sunday, June 18, 2006
I'm back!
Current mood: lonely
Hi everyone. I'm back in LA, trying to get back to my everyday recording habit.
Some people have asked me about my TV interview last week in Japan......and yes I was a little out of it. People thought I was depressed or mad........but I was just thinking of the desert for my dinner, and the next day's drink.... I ended up bringing a French red wine to Hides' grave site, and had a drink with him. (well, really, I was kind of alone.................)
Well: I'm gonna keep on rockin. (I mean recording)
PS This week I'm planning to play drums a lot! (just so I can get back in shape).....'cause I ate too much pudding in Japan.
Monday, June 26, 2006Monday, June 26, 2006
Current mood: loved
Yes, I'm going to Otakon in Baltimore...................I think on August 5th & 6th, to do some signings and some kind of Q&A. I may also be the judge of a JRock fashion show.
Last month I was having dinner with a friend from Sony (USA). She said "I don't think you would do it, but, Otakon wants to invite you as a special guest."....then I said......"Cool!".....Well that's it!!!!
I'm an Anime fan anyway........I'm also working on some movie projects, one of them is "The Rose of Versailles" (I hope this english title is correct), as music director.
Well, I'm very excited to meet the US fans, thank you so much for the opportunity.... although some people have sent email to yoshiki.net to express their feelings that they are very upset because they cannot attend the event....but please don't be upset!!! As soon as VUK's recording is done, I'm planning on travelling the world to perform or make some appearances, so I could meet you in or near your home town (hopefully)... So please DO NOT risk anything to be there just for me.....and again, since I started being active on "my space", I've recieved a lot of messages here and on the "Violet UK" page, as well as "YOSHIKI.NET" & "YOSHIKI MOBILE". I really really wish I could respond to all of your messages. Some of them were so sweet !!!
I feel really bad about not being able to respond, but all I can do...all I should do... is create the music that will allow me to respond to all of you...the best I can do....the only thing I can do.........
....I want to go to China, to see Pandas and Tigers.....
....I want to go to Egypt, ride on Camels.
....to Africa, to see Elephants.....
....I love Chinese food, French wine, Italy for tiramisu.......yum yum!!!.....
....to Germany and drive fucking 200 miles an hour......
....OF COURSE I WANT TO MEET YOU FIRST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, August 05, 2006Saturday, August 05, 2006
Current mood: sleepy
Hi everyone!
I'm at LAX right now. I have already missed two fucking flights -- but I'm glad I made it. I haven't checked myspace for a long time, because I've been working on an soundtrack for some hollywood movie. The deadline was shortened, so, for the last two weeks I've been working eighteen to twenty hours a day, writing and recording a new song. The song is pretty cool, I may actually put it on the VUK album.... I just finished mixing three hours ago then came to the airport directly from the studio. Well actually, I couldn't really finish the final version, so it's still a rough mix. I guess the song is cool...well...I don't.know.. I can't really think right now.......... The song is called Blue Butterfly. It's about human's basic nature. Anyway, I don't exactly know what I'm doing right now at the airport. I guess I'm waiting for the next flight to Washington D.C. for OTAKON and drinking a Bloody Mary... I'm so spaced out, and especially the last few days I haven't really slept. I hope I'm going to look okay when I get to see my fans.... Well.... maybe I should get drunk on the airplane... because I haven't even had a sip of wine for entire month.... You know what, maybe I should read the messages you guys sent me while I'm in there... Also, maybe I can finally start adding all of my friend requests. I'm really sorry for the delay.... I love you... but I guess I'm really fucked up.....well... ROCK N ROLL!!!
I'll see you guys soon... not only the people in Baltimore, but everyone who has sent me love from all around the world....LOVE YOU!!!
Monday, September 18, 2006Monday, September 18, 2006
Current mood: grateful
Hi everyone
I can't believe its September. Time flies…… it fucking flies.
Well, first of all, I want to thank the people who came to see me at Otakon.
It was so nice to see you all there. I also want to thank the staff who took care of me out there.
Since X-Japan's last live show, except on a few occasions, I've pretty much been stuck in the studio in L.A.
I don't know what it is, but you guys make me wanna perform.
I'm not talking just about the people at Otakon; I'm talking about all of my friends and fans. You guys make me wanna be on stage……. make me wanna stay in this world….. You'll see how dark my lyrics are when we release Violet UK's first album.
Since X-Japan's last album, I haven't really put my feelings out there lyrically.
Some of the lyrics of VUK's songs could be the darkest I've ever written……… anyway, when I was in Baltimore, I ate a lot of crab cakes. I'm allergic to shellfish sometimes, but….. so what…… they tasted so good.
For two days I ate crab cakes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Crab cakes and so many sweet fans make me wanna go back again……. At the same time I felt so bad that we had such a limited time to do the autograph session.
I'm very sorry….really sorry…..for the people who waited in line for such a long time, but still couldn't get one.
I wanna go to these kind of conventions again, maybe Europe next time.
Well….. I guess I should first finish VUK's album, which I've been recording for too long. I'm trying everything….. absolutely everything to complete the album,……. I just can't say "when"…… yet.
It's really hard……really, really hard to compromise if you have a perfect vision when you write the score. It's hard to match the real world with what's in my head.
When I compose I just write the score on a piece of paper, rarely do I use a musical instrument.
At that time I can hear everything in my head. It's almost completed……. Then I'll go to the studio and put the real sounds such as drums, guitar, strings, etc….. to disk.
The real world sucks,… imagination is better,…. at least to me,…. when it comes to my music.
But sometimes I get chills during the recording sessions. A few weeks ago, we did some tracking with a singer Katie on a song called "Asphyxia" that was amazing…… the song.... the voice…… everything was perfect. I don't know what it was, but the song really hit me.
I'm blessed to have a singer like her, as well as the other singers for VUK.
Maybe my life isn't as bad as I thought.….. I guess I should stop typing now and get back to work in the studio.
Thank you all for being so supportive. I love you!!!
Guess what I'm eating?
……………strawberries!!...... which I'm also allergic to (pretty often).
Oh… regarding "Blue Butterfly", the song I just recorded for a Hollywood movie that will be released next year.
They asked me not to reveal the name yet…… sorry……..
(But Pink is in it.)
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Блоги Myspace Йошики и VUK удалены, поэтому:
Блог Йошики и частично VioletUK
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Monday, June 26, 2006
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Monday, September 18, 2006
продолжение в комментах
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Monday, June 26, 2006
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Monday, September 18, 2006
продолжение в комментах